As a subcategory of the horror genre, the exorcism film does not have the best reputation. For every The Exorcist, there are a dozen Posessed’s and Beyond the Door’s. Yet, when done well, there is rarely something as profoundly [...]

The Top Ten Films of 2011[...]

If there is a single academic that can be judged to have the most extensively permeated theories, it must be Sigmund Freud. Perched in an ivory seat of eminence in Vienna in the early 1900’s, his theories on sexuality[...]

Rarely is a screenwriting debut so full of unique voice and character as Diablo Cody’s Juno, which opened to great critical praise and cult honorifics in 2007. Now, Cody’s pen[...]

The danger of a film as well reviewed as Alexander Payne’s The Descendants is that it cannot, and inevitably will not, live up to the hype[...]

In honor of Halloween, here are some of the coolest looking horror films coming out soon![...]

The Devil Inside 2011 in Review A Dangerous Method Young Adult The Descendants

The Watch Word

Is there really anyone that is not going to see this on Friday? A group of kids making amateur films with a Super 8 camera capture a train crash and its subsequent supernatural consequences on film. J.J. Abrams developed the concept as a combination of his childhood love of filmmaking (with his very own Super 8 camera--can’t you just see that on the shelf in his Sarah Lawrence dorm room?) and affection for large-scale monster movies (see: Cloverfield). Add epic-master Steven Spielberg (see: Transformers) to the mix and you’ve got a recipe for one hell of a monster flick. But don’t jump to conclusions on genre--with Abrams, nothing should be taken at face value, and the monsters are just as often psychological as they are physical.

Do you live in New York or Los Angeles? Lucky you, because Trollhunter is going to be playing in your city on its limited release. The horror flick combines a Blair Witch formula with an unconventional evil: TROLLS! And yes, while the trolls do appear enough like Where the Wild Things Are muppets that I half expect them to end up talking about their relationships, this film was made by Norwegians. Which is basically genius assurance. For those of you that haven’t seen the trailer, please do:

This small budget supernatural horror tells the story of a group of modern day “explorers” that head out into the New Hampshire wilderness to investigate the disappearance of an entire village in 1940. A trailhead reading “YellowBrickRoad” is the only hint at their fates, as well as a freaked out population that attribute a creepy power to the trail that leads into the wilderness.  Yes, if you’re looking for an original horror film (TROLLHUNTER!) this may not be your slice o’ pie--but if you don’t mind reincarnation after reincarnation of scary things in the woods and a cast of unknowns that spend most of the movie with dirt smeared faces, then I’d say, it’s off to see the Wizard (please let there be a wizard).

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