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The Watch Word

I’ve heard this film described as “Bad Santa...with Cameron Diaz.” While raucously inappropriate comedies have always had a demographic, the success of films like The Hangover has extended the scope--where parents would never deign to watch American Pie, my father was laughing until he cried in Superbad. Bad Teacher follows Diaz’s Elizabeth, a teacher in Chicago that misbehaves to extraordinary measures in the classroom and tries to secure a wealthy husband in her office hours. While the plot may seem a bit insubstantial, I’m interested to see how Diaz performs. It’s easy to get hung up on her stumbles--Knight and Day, anyone?--but let’s not forget that Diaz has surprising range, as demonstrated in Being John Malkovich. Not to mention the Bridesmaids-sparked interest in funny women debasing themselves in traditionally male gross humor. If Justin Timberlake doesn’t drag the film down too much, my money’s on Diaz being a class act.

Pixar’s bringing the much loved Cars back in this sequel, which follows Lightning McQueen (Owen Wilson) and Mater (Larry the Cable Guy) overseas for the Grand Prix and some international intrigue. Viewers will see some familiar faces as well as some new fenders voiced by the likes of John Turturro, Eddie Izzard, Michael Caine, and Emily Mortimer. With a formula like that, Cars 2 is due to one up its predecessor, and bring some good, clean fun. You may not be rolling on the floor laughing, but you’re due for a honking good time.

My name is Conan O’Brien, and I may soon be available for children’s parties.

When NBC decided to move the Tonight Show to 12:05 a.m., making it, technically the Tomorrow Show, it ensured a smaller viewership and the exit of its host, Conan O’Brien. O’Brien, who was legally forbidden from appearing on television for the following year, travelled the U.S. on a comedy tour titled the Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television Tour. The documentary Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop follows the comedian in the hilarious and, at times, harrowing journey. For those of us that missed the tour, the film is our chance to enjoy O'Brien's jokes, as well as take a peek at the O'Brien that stepped over the obstacles (nice to be so tall), and reclaimed his place among the television comedy royalty.

Lucky us, he went the tour documentary path. Some of the other things he was considering:

“Televise my own colonoscopy on the Bravo channel on a show called Project Funway.”

“Star in a Lifetime movie about a woman trapped in an abusive relationship with her network.”

“Leave television altogether, and work in a classier business with better people, like hard core porn.”

Watch the Trailer:

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